Regulatory Guidance for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) We are allways happy to help you find what you need within the FMCSR’s. To access the FMCSRs, click on the part number in the left column. To access the Regulatory Guidance for the FMCSRs, click on Yes in the right column. These regulations are current as of 1/2003. To view changes since then, please read final rules on the 2000 , 2001 , 2002 and current Rulemakings pages. Part 49 Code of Federal Regulations Regulatory Guidance Disclaimer 40 Drug and Alcohol Regulations Yes 325 Compliance with Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Emission Standards Yes 350 Commercial Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program 355 Compatibility of State Laws and Regulations Affecting Interstate Motor Carrier Operations 356 Interpretations and Routing Regulations 360 Fees for Motor Carrier Registration and Insurance 365 Rules Governing Applications for Operating Authority 366 Designation of Process Agents by Motor Carriers and Brokers 367 Standards for Registration with States 368 Applications for Certificates of Registration by Foreign Motor Carriers and Foreign Motor Private Carriers 370 Principles and Practices for the Investigation and Voluntary Disposition of Loss and Damage Claims and Processing Salvage 371 Brokers of Property 372 Exemptions, Commercial Zones, and Terminal Areas 373 Receipts and Bills 374 Passenger Carrier Regulations 375 Transportation of Household Goods in Interstate or Foreign Commerce 376 Lease and Interchange of Vehicles 377 Payment of transportation charges 378 Procedures governing the processing, investigation, and disposition of overcharge, duplicate payment, or over collection claims 379 Preservation of records 381 Waivers, Exemptions, and Pilot Programs 382 Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing Yes 383 Commercial Driver’s License Standards; Requirements and Penalties Yes 384 State Compliance With Commercial Driver’s License Program Yes 385 Safety Fitness Procedures 386 Rules of Practice for Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Proceedings Yes 387 Minimum Levels of Financial Responsibility for Motor Carriers Yes 388 Cooperative Agreements with States 389 Rulemaking Procedures – Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations 390 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; General Yes 391 Qualifications of Drivers Yes 392 Driving of Commercial Motor Vehicles Yes 393 Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation Yes 394 [Reserved] 395 Hours of Service of Drivers Yes 396 Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance Yes 397 Transportation of Hazardous Materials; Driving and Parking Rules Yes 398 Transportation of Migrant Workers 399 Employee Safety and Health Standards Yes 571 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 658 Truck Size and Weight, Route Designations – Length, Width and Weight Limitations APPENDIX A TO SUBCHAPTER B [RESERVED] B APPENDIX B TO SUBCHAPTER B – SPECIAL AGENTS APPENDIX C-D TO SUBCHAPTER B [RESERVED] F APPENDIX F TO SUBCHAPTER B – COMMERCIAL ZONES G APPENDIX G TO SUBCHAPTER B – MINIMUM PERIODIC INSPECTION STANDARDS Source: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Regulatory Guidance for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) – Online
Release of a New Web Accessible Application – DRIVER COMPLIANCE SERVICES (DCS)
PRESS RELEASE: November 2, 2011 National Fleet Services LLC is pleased to announce the release of a new Web Accessible application – DRIVER COMPLIANCE SERVICES (DCS). This web accessible application will allow our clients to meet and maintain the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Department of Transportation driver qualification compliance requirements in an application accessible 24/7 via the internet in a user-friendly environment. Our clients will be able to maintain, review and track all driver information, including, but not limited to: The ability to review the up-to-date driver information; The ability to view the scanned documents on-line and to what information is missing or incorrect for your drivers; The ability to view expiration dates of critical driver qualification documents and to see which documents are due for renewal; The ability to request the program to e-mail you when documents are due for expiration or renewal; The ability to print your own reports; The ability to achieve documents; and The ability to print driver qualification files and supporting documents for a selected driver. Contact: Eva Clair Bowles @ or Karen Brice @ or Click here for more information or Click her for log-in screen National Fleet Services LLC is committed to providing motor carriers a lower cost alternative service offering for the essential “in-house” compliance requirements. We are devoted to “giving back” to the continued health and future growth of the trucking industry, and in doing so, helping to ensure future opportunities for motor carriers to grow and prosper by complying with FMCSR Part 40 – Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs; Part 380 – Special Training Requirements; Part 382 – Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing; Part 383 – Commercial Driver’s License Standards; Part 387 – Minimum Levels of Financial Responsibility for Motor Carriers; Part 391 – Qualification of Drivers; Part 395 – Hours of Service of Drivers; Part 396 – Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance; and Part 397 – Transportation of Hazardous Materials